Because Only Together We Can

Building Afghanistan Where All Are Safe, Strong & Valued


ERADA’s vision is an Afghanistan that is at peace with itself, its neighbors and the world, and is on the path to prosperity and self-reliance, capitalizing on national human capital. The objective is to engage experts of Afghan origins with optimum inclusivity in promoting creativity, innovation, and inclusive approaches towards sustainable peace and development in Afghanistan.

What We Do

ERADA coordinates and organizes Afghan experts outside Afghanistan to participate in and contribute to the humanitarian and socio-economic development agenda in Afghanistan. Its aim is to create an environment conducive to maximizing the use of the knowledge, technical expertise and networks of the Afghan human capital abroad in support of equitable and balanced growth and development, as well as to advocate, both inside Afghanistan and in the countries of their residence, on issues of national interest and influence policy decisions that promote  peace, stability and prosperity in Afghanistan.


— We Find & Fund


— We Build Networks


— We Strengthen


— We Educate


— We Provide Care


— We Consult
